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Clan Carmichael Genealogy 

Connect with Carmichaels the world over to share and discover the stories of your ancestry. 


Many Carmichaels and Carmichael-descendants enjoy the investigative puzzles of genealogy work. Whether you can trace back only a few generations, or all the way to the sordid love affair of King James V and his mistress Catherine (Elizabeth) Carmichael, genealogy turns over some surprising stones.

Thankfully, few of us have to start from scratch anymore, as the internet provides treasure troves of hard-won research from kith and kin all over. This page allows CCUSA members a place to share helpful links, books, resources, and more to aid in our mutual look into the past. If you have anything you'd like to see shared below, please email the webmaster here



Scottish Highlander Carmichaels of the Carolinas 
by Roderick Leland Carmichael
published 1935

Directory of Scots in The Carolinas, 1680-1830 Vol. 1

by David Dobson

Directory of Scots in The Carolinas, 1680-1830 Vol. 2

by David Dobson

Scottish Emigration to Colonial America, 1607-1785 

by David Dobson

published 2004

Carolina Scots, An Historical and Genealogical Study of Over 100 Years of Emigration

by Douglas Kelly

published 1998

Carmichael: the Origins of Clan Carmichael and Their Place in History 
32 page pocket sized book on the origins of the Carmichael name.

published 2012

order from Carmichael Estate shop here 

A Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to Canada Before Confederation

by Donald Whyte

The Scotch-Irish: A Social History Paperback

by James G. Leyburn
published 1989

The Scottish Migration to Ulster in the Reign of James I

by M. Perceval-Maxwell

published 1990

Carmichael Surname: Ireland

by Donavan Hurst

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